30 December 2011

Than Tongue or Pen can ever Tell

God is rich in mercy and loves mankind with a great love.  It is His kindness that draws us to Him.  God made/provided the peace, the conflict resolution before the conflict so that every person can be His Son and share in the Heavenly inheritance.  Each person is God's workmanship, uniquely created to reflect God and created for good works.  Each person has gold hidden inside of them which is meant for their own good/benefit and for the benefit of others. 

Earnestly seek, find and encourage that gold in every person with whom you come into contact. 

What are you willing to fight for in that person? 
Who championed you?  How did that affect you? 
Who seemed to bring only correction to you?  How did that affect you? 
What are you going to do now?

I didn't know I needed to clean the fish before I caught them ~ John Wimber

"The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.

Oh, the love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.

When years of time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When men, who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call,
God’s love so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race
The saints’ and angels’ song.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.”

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29 December 2011

Creation Nativity

Another pondersketch...

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21 December 2011

The Best Gift

I'm a little confused about what day it is, but I am on vacation!  You see, Saturday was not like any ordinary Saturday because we were hosting our annual 1Voice Cookie Baking and Come Have Fun Hanging Out overnight, which was fabulous because of the amazing world-changers who attended; we missed very much all of the team who were unable to come! 

As a result of this fun-filled event, Monday became my Saturday, which meant Tuesday became Monday.  Although today is Wednesday, in my mind, today is Tuesday.  Add to that the unheard of fact that I attended a movie theater both Sunday night and Monday night (the real nights and not the ones in my mind), AND I just don't know for sure...

Regardless all the days have been fun and have felt like celebrations.  I do love a party.  I also have learned that I need quiet, reflection times, too.  Today while on my way to do the weekly grocery and miscellaneous shopping a song inspired me and filled me with joy, peace, thankfulness and awe.  I love it when God shows up in my day-to-day routine, like driving in the car along a familiar path.  His love is the best gift!  Here are those lyrics that rocked me to the core today:

God loves a lullaby
In a mother's tears in the dead of night
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes

God loves the drunkard's cry
The soldier's plea not to let him die
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

The woman holding on for life
The dying man giving up the fight
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes

The tears of shame for what's been done
The silence when the words won't come
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

Better than a church bell ringing
Better than a choir singing out, singing out

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

(Better than a Hallelujah sometimes)
Better than a Hallelujah
(Better than a Hallelujah sometimes)"

Amy Grant, Better Than a Hallelujah 

Songwriters: Sarah Hart, Chapin Hartford

My favorite line:  "Beautiful, the mess we are."

What stirs in your heart when you read these lyrics? 

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14 December 2011

Do You Hear What I Hear?

I love this season of wonder -- what an amazing gift that God came to earth in the form of a precious baby to be our example and to make a way for us to be a part of His family.  What gift will I bring to lay at His feet as I pause to adore Him?  What comforts and joys are heading my way in the days to come?  How and where will I tell my Noel stories? 

What about you?  About what do the carols and songs of Christmas cause you to pause and reflect?

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07 December 2011


Seven days into December and this elf has 90% of her prep work completed.  That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.  The process has been mostly enjoyable and not stressful, also.  The thoughtfully given, sweet reminder from dear husband to see it like I am riding in the antique cars at an amusement park has helped to frame my perspective.  Papa keeps sending reminders through other means, also, like emails, blog posts and "random" snippets of radio shows.  Though sometimes I don't recognize it, He always gives me just what I need, just when I need it.

I am curious about the doors that He keeps speaking to me about.  These are doors of opportunity for which I am to be seeking, and then He will open the doors.  If you have any ideas or insights about door of opportunity for me, please send me an e-mail!

Another thing we've been talking about is John 15, the first batch of verses that speak about Jesus being the true vine.  I keep returning there after a nudge to spend 100 days in that passage.  And the depths of it have not yet been reached, on approximately day 70.  A nugget He gave me today, when I wasn't even in that passage is that God prunes us so that we will be able to stand up to the blessings (fruit) He has planned for us in the future.  It's a discipline of love and preparation for abundance, not a punishment. 

What are you hearing from Papa, in whatever way He speaks it to you?

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30 November 2011

Joyeux Noël! Ebullient Epiphany!




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* Joyeux Noël!  Ebullient Epiphany! *

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29 November 2011

Really? Reading Deprivation Week?

If you've followed The Artist's Way, then you know what I am talking about in the title.  And if you haven't, it's self-explanatory, really.  Below is some verse I felt inspired to write as a response.  It's not really poetry, so if you don't like poetry, you might like this.

Lying in the bean bag chair,
My soul is crying, "not fair!"
Grocery list, calendar,
Clogging up my flow of words.

Dull responsibility,
Dull responsibility,
Clogging up my flow of words.

Reading deprivation - what?
To this instruction - "cannot!"
But I will try, crazy week.
It is breakthrough that I seek.

Dull responsibility,
Dull responsibility,
It is breakthrough that I seek.

Finding rest while moving fast.
Making gold from seeing past.
Sounding like my perfect plan.
Forming gold from wood and sand.

Oh responsibility,
Sweet responsibility,
Forming gold from wood and sand.

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20 November 2011

Thanksgiving = Breakthrough

What's God's will for your life?  Be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks

in all circumstances.  This will unstick you and bring about breakthrough in your life.

"God is kinder and gooder than you think" (Bill Johnson). Because God is always good and is

the giver of good gifts, we thank Him for what we do not yet see, but which we know is coming

our way and for who He is.  Of course we also thank Him for the good things we do see, also. 

For what are you thankful this year?

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16 November 2011

Transforming Mom - Love and Honor

Living in synchronozation spirit to Spirit is more fun "than the law will allow."  Suddenly I am

hearing and responding to that inner nudge.  Yesterday the nudge was to speak specific,

intentional thankfulness to the deli clerk, which she said made her day.  Today the nudge

was to supply a quarter to the young man who bags groceries for which he was seeking his

pockets in vain. As my friend and I were discussing last night, when we follow a nudge

suddenly the spiritual atmosphere changes and positively impacts us and  the people

who are witnessing what just happened.  We ageed that some day we will be shown the

impact of the "ripples" from each seemingly small obedient action. 

Now that's what I call FUN!!!

What nudges have you taken action upon lately?  How did things around you


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14 November 2011


Ok, so I'm contemplating starting a different blog on a different blog site (I don't even know

if that's the right terminology).  I do like new things and have tweaked this blog to reflect

me at the present time.  But, I feel that inner nudge to step into new territory -- cross that

chicken line!   I also hear the caution to research and understand more about the other blog

host site.  And I have some ideas that I'd like to discover if they are do-able or not.  Stay

tuned, because I will be here until further notice.

What are you thoughts, advice and opinions about my quandry?

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08 November 2011

Even More Kindle Love

Overheard at a conference I attended a couple of weekends ago:

“I don’t think I could ever get used to using an e-reader.”

“Me, too.  I love holding books and being able to highlight them and write notes in them.”

I previously thought like that, too.  Now I am finding that I love my Kindle more and more as I learn to use more of its features.  My current fave features are bookmarking, highlighting, adding notes and the “My Clippings” folder. 

04 November 2011

True Vine

Handsome husband and youngest darling daughter planted a mixed batch of wildflower seeds in the late spring.  Promising shoots emerged punctually per the package instructions.  Prematurely, torrid temperatures turned up and replenishing rain receded. 

27 October 2011

Transforming Mom - My Story: Building Hope

"You are a natural with kids," Kathy, my advisor observed; I was playing with Kay's young son and daughter while Kathy and Kay talked.  "You'll make a great mom someday," Kathy added.

"Yes, you will," Kay assented.

I felt tears forming in my eyes and fear churning in my stomach.  "No, I'm not going to have kids," I asserted, not taking my eyes off of my two young friends.

25 October 2011

Transforming Mom - Healing and Freedom

October 25, 2011

I finished reading Boundaries again yesterday. It has taught me much with each reading. This time I also experienced healing and freedom.

The Context--
About 5 years ago I was involved in one of my most painful emotional experiences, (I can presently think of only one other that caused more personal pain, personal shame and damage to relationships). The said conflict involved a number of people. Sadly, the conflict wildly deteriorated and escalated until an outsider volunteered to facilitate reconciliation.

18 October 2011

Identity: Wearing other people's faces

Recently I have realized that part of my identity loss started much earlier than I previously thought.  Parker J. Palmer terms it "wearing someone else's face," which resonates with my spirit.

13 October 2011

Inspired: another update -- already!

Early this morning I was listening to a podcast from one of my faves, Bill Johnson, (pictured above), from Bethel Church, Redding, CA.  As usual I was encouraged, challenged and inspired.

11 October 2011

Inspired; an update

Earlier this year I wrote about a couple in our small town who had started a scholarship fund in memory of their grandson,(Inspired). Since that time I have been looking for opportunities to benefit my community and the people with whom I come into contact.

06 October 2011

Transforming Mom - New Mom Top 10 List

(sub-titled: things I wish I would have done or would have done more consistently!)

Here are some suggestions for things to do while you are waiting for baby and beyond.  After the first one listed, these are not in order of importance.

  • Spend some time every day quieted before God, in whatever way you connect most with Him.
  • As much as is possible, start the way you mean to go.  Adjust your life and values to reflect what you want it to look like after the baby comes.  Ponder, pray and plan.
  • Take care of yourself first.  Get adequate sleep, nourishment and water.  Enjoy the things that give you life.  Pursue creative outlets.

03 October 2011

Transforming Mom -- Springform Pans

I was baking a cake in one of my springform pans last week, when I smelled something smoky. Upon checking in the oven I found that the chocolate batter

02 October 2011

Kindle Love

Succintly, my three most recent reasons for loving my Kindle are:

  1. All of the free e-books out there -- Jane Austin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Charles Dickens...so many books, so little time!
  2. Now I can check out books from the library onto my Kindle, too!
  3. Adding notes and highlights to the books, which along with the content are searchable!  I can easily find that quote or information without thumbing and skimming through the entire book.

22 September 2011

Transforming Mom: Anticipation

Desperate - despairing; overwhelmed with urgency and anxiety, to the point of losing hope.

It exhausted me. It eventually drove me to a frantic quest for God. Quite honestly what I primarily wanted was

09 September 2011

Varied Interests (continued)

To follow-up on my last post, I am finding that God is re-organizing and re-prioritizing things as I release them to Him.  I still have impatience with that process, but it is happening.  Stay tuned...

24 August 2011

With so many varied interests and things that I like to do, I am seeking a way to balance it all

16 August 2011

Computer woes and other challenges

Day 2
Innocently I began downloading an internet security program onto the two new laptops

08 August 2011

27 July 2011

How sweet it is

     Pondering the past is not something I enjoy doing.  I made many mistakes in my past,

25 July 2011

Why I like routine

1.   gives me boundaries
2.   helps me to be productive and efficient with my time
3.   helps me to get important daily tasks accomplished
4.   allows me to understand what discretionary time I actually have available
5.   brings order to our ever morphing family
6.   helps me to get enough sleep (or almost enough)
7.   separates mental clutter and distraction from important data
8.   is a catalyst for creativity
9.   maintains a level of cleanliness in our home within which I can function peacefully
10. gives me somewhere to start while I prayerfully ponder where I am going

[Is is obvious that I am looking forward to a "down" week in terms of activity level?]

12 July 2011

Back on-line

Hooray for the satellite repairman!  The culprits were:  deterioration of a part, which allowed a wasp to build a nest where it didn't belong and water to pool where it didn't belong.  I am so thankful it's fixed, although I have to put in a good word for Starbucks and McDonald's and their free wi-fi that allowed me to check email every day. 

This week is full again, so here's what I have been up to or will be doing:

  1. Dropping off some of our kids to summer camp
  2. Driving a child to work daily
  3. Sewing costumes for skits we will do in Texas (including researching, shopping for materials, washing and cutting out fabric)
  4. Running every other day
  5. Household routine daily
  6. Hosting our outreach team overnight one night
  7. Attending a youth conference
  8. Picking up campers; LAUNDRY
  9. Packing for our Texas trip
  10. Hosting some favorite camp families for supper
  11. Possible trip to collect items to pack in trailor for Texas trip
  12. Sleep

09 July 2011

Temporarily out of commission

Our satellite dish is temporarily out of commission, so the blog posts will be even more sporadic than usual until that is fixed.  Come back and visit soon!

06 July 2011

What’s been up during the past 5 days?

C  A community service cup stacking event with our King’s Kids Go-Network team in northern Indiana
C  Spending time with some of our extended family
C  An American English concert
C  The All American Lumberjack Show and Kids Sports Camp
C  An extremely impressive fireworks display
C  Eating “fair food” – deep fried brownies are incredible!

01 July 2011

Transforming Mom - Love and Self-Control

“When someone is driving erratically and cuts you off, the first thing you think of is probably not warm and loving thoughts.  But what if the people in the car were on the way to the hospital because a family member was dying?  Wow, that will change your view.  I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

“Then again there are still mean people out there.  They are usually just hurting, angry and frustrated with their own life, so they take it out on the rest of us.  I usually say a prayer for people like that and try my best not to get caught up in their whirlwind of negativity.  Be sure to not let someone else take your peace away.”[i]

30 June 2011

Transforming Mom – Identity Theft

Sometimes the people in my life have impacted me negatively, also.  I believe that because of the principle of redemption, these negative situations have been, are being and/or will be changed into positive outcomes.  However, during the past 4 or 5 years it has become apparent that I have suffered from identity theft and that it started about the time I started attending college.  And I aided and abetted this theft.

27 June 2011

Transforming Mom

Everyone has an innate need to be a part of a family.  It’s the way we are wired. 
Stick people clip art image of everybody holding hands and living in harmony.

24 June 2011

Creativity Catalyst

What activities set your creativity a flowing?  Running triggers many responses

21 June 2011

It's just a little hard to explain

“It's just a spirit thing.  It's just a holy nudge.  It's like a circuit judge in the brain.  It's just a spirit thing.  It's here to guard my heart.  It's just a little hard to explain.”  [Newsboys, “It’s Just a Spirit Thing”]

20 June 2011

03 June 2011

Ideologue - Definition of IDEOLOGUE an impractical idealist : theorist; an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology. 

30 May 2011

Top Ten Things I do to Save Money on Food Costs:

1.       Scan sale advertisements from local stores for loss leaders and plan meals around those; take a that plan and my list with me when shopping.

28 May 2011


Everyone has a story; it’s true!  We met a humble, ordinary couple on Wednesday evening via our daughter winning a local scholarship.  These folks each come from diverse, melting-pot heritages and are hard- working, middle class Americans. 

25 May 2011


     I sneaked in a run, unknowingly, this morning before the thunderstorms rolled into our area.  Thankfully we are safe and sound in regard to the severe weather. 

20 May 2011

Kindle anyone?

     I'm new to the e-book phenom, and I absolutely love my Kindle.  I have no idea if I would love a Nook or any other e-reader.  I must also confess that I have not actually purchased a book as of yet.  I have discovered that I have a huge weakness for classics; the fact that many of them are free means I always have something compelling to read. 


     Jane Austin is a favorite author of mine.  Reading one of her books is like feasting as I stroll through Candyland.  Mmmmm!!!
     "A Tale of Two Cities" hooked me on Charles Dickens' novels.  While it's not my favorite Dickens story, it is the play which our homeschool drama troupe is currently rehearsing.  After reading the book version, I sampled several others:  David Copperfield, Great Expectations, The Pickwick Papers, and Little Dorrit went down deliciously.  I am currently digesting Our Mutual Friend.
     A few months ago, I started reading aloud Daniel DeFoe's unabridged version of Robinson Crusoe.  What a gold mine that book has been.  We are 95% finished with it, according to my Kindle.  Our kids moan and ask every time how much longer until the end, but they also listen enthralled and later in the day talk among themselves about what has been read. 
     There are many e-books available to you via your computer, your phone and probably other electronic devices.  A friend also told me about the service our local library offers of loaning out e-books.  There are websites where you can also read books on-line in HTML versions.  Does anyone know what else is out there in regard to e-books? 
     I say thank-you to all the people who have made these free classics available.  So many great books, so little time...

I'm with you Kevin

     You could call me a bag lady.  I like having stuff with me when I go places, and I don't like  carrying it in my hands.  An overnight trip will often find me loaded with purse, laptop bag, backpack, suitcase and smaller carry-on size bag.  Do I always use everything I take with me?  No, but I have often left something behind after a mental tug-of-war over taking it or not taking it, only to regret having left it behind.  Some of that is just going to happen in life.  However, the things I can prepare for, for those I will prepare.
     So what's in my backpack?  Like Kevin, I have the various cords that I need for my electronic devices (I left my iPod synch cable behind this time after one of my aforementioned tug-of wars, and I wish I would have brought it), my Kindle, digital camera, some OTC medications, facial tissues, reading glasses, miscellaneous books, my journal & permanent markers and my Bible.  Sometimes I'll have snacks, extra clothes & shoes and paperwork. 
     I think it's quite normal to have a backpack along.  It seems to me that the media should interview people who don't:-).  http://sportsonvideo.wordpress.com/2011/05/12/kevin-durant-finally-tells-us-whats-in-the-backpack/

18 May 2011

Almost a year later?

     School is out, and I am trying again.  "Vacation" feels good so far.  Highlights of the week:
  • temperature dropped from 80's during the days to 50's to 60's during the days
  • renegotiated "Wii" on vacation details
  • started more focused school planning and prep for 2011-12, which has been ongoing since 02/11
  • exploring some new frontiers for me and for us
  • sewing French peasant ear caps for drama troupe
     Looking forward to exploring Indianapolis and visiting my alma mater, Butler University, soon.  Hopefully I will be leaving my "baggage" at home:-).  As I have been somewhat on a sabbatical from social engagements, it's time to dive back into relationships outside of my inner circles.

     I highly recommend the movie "Megamind."  Destiny; identity; good vs. evil; gritty relationships; realistic and complex, albeit animated characters; and redemption -- classic literary stuff that makes for a compelling and complex story.

A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...