27 October 2011

Transforming Mom - My Story: Building Hope

"You are a natural with kids," Kathy, my advisor observed; I was playing with Kay's young son and daughter while Kathy and Kay talked.  "You'll make a great mom someday," Kathy added.

"Yes, you will," Kay assented.

I felt tears forming in my eyes and fear churning in my stomach.  "No, I'm not going to have kids," I asserted, not taking my eyes off of my two young friends.

25 October 2011

Transforming Mom - Healing and Freedom

October 25, 2011

I finished reading Boundaries again yesterday. It has taught me much with each reading. This time I also experienced healing and freedom.

The Context--
About 5 years ago I was involved in one of my most painful emotional experiences, (I can presently think of only one other that caused more personal pain, personal shame and damage to relationships). The said conflict involved a number of people. Sadly, the conflict wildly deteriorated and escalated until an outsider volunteered to facilitate reconciliation.

18 October 2011

Identity: Wearing other people's faces

Recently I have realized that part of my identity loss started much earlier than I previously thought.  Parker J. Palmer terms it "wearing someone else's face," which resonates with my spirit.

13 October 2011

Inspired: another update -- already!

Early this morning I was listening to a podcast from one of my faves, Bill Johnson, (pictured above), from Bethel Church, Redding, CA.  As usual I was encouraged, challenged and inspired.

11 October 2011

Inspired; an update

Earlier this year I wrote about a couple in our small town who had started a scholarship fund in memory of their grandson,(Inspired). Since that time I have been looking for opportunities to benefit my community and the people with whom I come into contact.

06 October 2011

Transforming Mom - New Mom Top 10 List

(sub-titled: things I wish I would have done or would have done more consistently!)

Here are some suggestions for things to do while you are waiting for baby and beyond.  After the first one listed, these are not in order of importance.

  • Spend some time every day quieted before God, in whatever way you connect most with Him.
  • As much as is possible, start the way you mean to go.  Adjust your life and values to reflect what you want it to look like after the baby comes.  Ponder, pray and plan.
  • Take care of yourself first.  Get adequate sleep, nourishment and water.  Enjoy the things that give you life.  Pursue creative outlets.

03 October 2011

Transforming Mom -- Springform Pans

I was baking a cake in one of my springform pans last week, when I smelled something smoky. Upon checking in the oven I found that the chocolate batter

02 October 2011

Kindle Love

Succintly, my three most recent reasons for loving my Kindle are:

  1. All of the free e-books out there -- Jane Austin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Charles Dickens...so many books, so little time!
  2. Now I can check out books from the library onto my Kindle, too!
  3. Adding notes and highlights to the books, which along with the content are searchable!  I can easily find that quote or information without thumbing and skimming through the entire book.

A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...