19 May 2016

Theme Song Thursday

I have been soaking in this truth for days now.  Hope you fully enjoy it!

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18 May 2016

Flipping Definitions

Cute title, huh?

Whilst on a walk and talk with my Counselor, He said "bewildered."  I was searching for a word to describe how I felt in a certain situation and that was exactly it!

Later I was processing via a Facebook Message with a friend (which I accidentally deleted - duh!), and He showed me "be wilder" inside the word.

After pondering and praying and listening, I have a new definition for "be-wilder," that is, I "flipped it," as Doug Addison says.  "Flipping means taking a negative situation and flipping it into a positive Kingdom perspective. It is the ability to recognize negative things, turn them around, and interject God’s positive will and destiny for your life."
My definition is:

be-wilder: be freer,  be more passionate, be even more free from restraints; be (in spirit), will (in soul) and do (with body).

The blogger in me hopes that this will be a series -- time and my Counselor will tell.

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12 May 2016

Theme Song Thursday

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05 May 2016

Theme Song Thursday

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A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...