14 November 2011


Ok, so I'm contemplating starting a different blog on a different blog site (I don't even know

if that's the right terminology).  I do like new things and have tweaked this blog to reflect

me at the present time.  But, I feel that inner nudge to step into new territory -- cross that

chicken line!   I also hear the caution to research and understand more about the other blog

host site.  And I have some ideas that I'd like to discover if they are do-able or not.  Stay

tuned, because I will be here until further notice.

What are you thoughts, advice and opinions about my quandry?

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  1. Hi Amy,

    I don't have enough energy right now to research other sites, but I know people that have switched. Some have switched back; others are still with the new ones. Most of them I don't read regularly because I don't get the new feed for them.

    That's my two cents worth.

  2. Thanks, Kate. I appreciate that you took the time to comment. Your input is valuable to me and will be taken into consideration for sure! And I think your feedback way more like $2,000,000,000,000!


Please, send me your comments and questions, along with your e-mail address if you would like a private response.

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