(sub-titled: things I wish I would have done or would have done more consistently!)
Here are some suggestions for things to do while you are waiting for baby and beyond. After the first one listed, these are not in order of importance.
- Spend some time every day quieted before God, in whatever way you connect most with Him.
- As much as is possible, start the way you mean to go. Adjust your life and values to reflect what you want it to look like after the baby comes. Ponder, pray and plan.
- Take care of yourself first. Get adequate sleep, nourishment and water. Enjoy the things that give you life. Pursue creative outlets.
- Continue to learn and to challenge yourself. If possible and desireable, stay connected in some way to your chosen career field, or try to find a part-time job that you enjoy, or volunteer somewhere.
- Surround yourself with people who love, support and honor you. No one controls you except you. Hang out with people who believe and act upon that belief.
- Integrate being a mom into who you already are. You probably will need to stop participating in some activities and radically alter you daily routine, at least initially. However, do not abandon "life as you know it." Rather, keep the healthy, life-giving things in your life in place.
- Work on improving relationships. Danny and Sherri Silk offer excellent relationship resources: http://lovingonpurpose.com/, including Loving Our Kids on Purpose and Culture of Honor. For additional information and practical relationship tools, check out: http://www.loveandlogic.com/. [These resources have been life-changing and paradigm-shifting for me.]
- Have fun and laugh every day. Enjoy life to the full regardless of the season. You are the right parent for your coming child.
- Sift through the bidden and unbidden advice for the nuggets that are precious to you. Let the rest of it fall to the ground.
- Ask for help, and keep asking until you get the help you need.
Do you have things you plan to do or wish you would have done as a new Mom? Please, comment below!
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