11 October 2011

Inspired; an update

Earlier this year I wrote about a couple in our small town who had started a scholarship fund in memory of their grandson,(Inspired). Since that time I have been looking for opportunities to benefit my community and the people with whom I come into contact.
I know it's trite, but I don't get out much. I am not involved in any community groups that meet regularly, do drive 1.5 hours to attend church and do spend a bulk of time home schooling our children. That's not an excuse, rather some context. The reason I did not give examples  in my earlier post of how I have been benefiting my community and/or the people I come into contact with on daily basis was because I couldn't really think of any ways that seemed "worthy."

I did ask God for help with this, as it seemed overwhelming and hopeless because of my circumstances. Several things have come to my attention these last months, which are encouraging to me that I am moving in the right direction:

  • I perceive that my personal growth and transformation level at any given time, its highest point, or my "ceiling," is the foundation, or the "floor," upon which my kids' growth and transformation will potentially start from. I am building a legacy for them as I pursue God, and all that He has for me.

  • In order for the above to be true, I also must build honoring relationships with my kids, which will help them to honor others and to know they are valuable and worthy of honor. This is definitely a work in progress in my life, and daily I am challenged and stretched in my interactions with them.

  • Smiling and speaking to people with genuine friendliness as I go about shopping, errand-running and everywhere else is simple, but impacting. As Holy Spirit nudges, I am prepared to deepen the interaction as the situation directs.  During the last month, I prayed with about 10 strangers, cried with several of them, hugged a couple of them and was prayed for in return by one woman. While I don't always end doing what might be termed "ministry," the interaction of honoring and valuing people is still significant.  And because that's not a natural part of my personality, I know it's a cool God-thing.

  • God has opened up and is opening up opportunities for us to interact with our neighbors in non-threatening, natural ways. I have a sense that some of these interactions will deepen in the future, and I am excitedly anticipating what the Holy Spirit has planned.

  • I find myself regularly praying and looking for creative ideas of ways to serve the broader community in which we live. That was rarely on my radar a year ago.

Hopefully in another few months, I will have more to report. I trust that because this is a basic Kingdom life principle that God will continue to grow me in it. So, I ask again: what are you doing and/or what ideas do you have for ways to benefit your community and people with whom you come in contact each day?

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  1. Well good question... I have raised 400 bucks and I am walking in the Pancreatic Cancer Research walk in remembrance of my Grandmother.

    I am helping hand out Cases of Whole chickens at the shul to needy families. (Bgawk)

    I am however always looking for a mitzvah to do. Especially this time of year. IT seems hard to get involved in community stuff if you don't have a group of 500 friends you hang with. I understand what you are saying for sure.

    BUT---home schooling your kids, helping make them wonderful people is one of the best things you could do for the world and your community. Just sayin!

  2. You rock, Krista! Thanks for your comments, again:-) and for you encouragement. I am reading a book with some great ideas for practical things anyone can do...stay tuned for a review coming soon to this station...


Please, send me your comments and questions, along with your e-mail address if you would like a private response.

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