20 November 2011

Thanksgiving = Breakthrough

What's God's will for your life?  Be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks

in all circumstances.  This will unstick you and bring about breakthrough in your life.

"God is kinder and gooder than you think" (Bill Johnson). Because God is always good and is

the giver of good gifts, we thank Him for what we do not yet see, but which we know is coming

our way and for who He is.  Of course we also thank Him for the good things we do see, also. 

For what are you thankful this year?

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  1. One thing I can say I am thankful for without hesitation is Camp Tecumseh and all the wonderful friends I made there. Seeds were planted deep within me there and even though they didn't come to bear fruit until later in my life that fruit continues to be used to plant other seeds now.
    And one of those friends I made at Camp T was Amy. And she watered quite a few of those seeds that were planted in me. What a blessing she was when I just started my walk with the Lord.
    There a just a few things I'm thankful for. Very thankful for!

  2. I say ditto to being thankful for Camp Tecumseh; so many good things and amazing people, like you, Doug! I am also thankful for your friendship over the years. You are a treasure, and I am honored to know you!


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