06 January 2012

2012 Words

Thanks to Kate and to Melissa Dinwiddie for the inspiration to pray about and ponder out words for the year.  Through a series of “serendipitous” events, my words for 2012 have emerged – hope, abiding faith and breakthrough. 

Kate shared her word in her blog post as well as the brilliant reminder she created. 

Melissa Dinwiddie shared her three words in a blog post and then again in an attractive accordion book.

I was planning to skip right to the artwork part, when I heard my Counselor’s still voice say, “you are avoiding writing.”  Right away I thought, “yes, but I am being creative.  And I can also hardly wait to start the knitting and crocheting projects that I have lined up and waiting…” 

“Yes, but” is never a good answer to my Counselor.  So here I am writing about what I intend to express in other ways, too. 

I recognize that my artwork is at best, rudimentary.  Consequently it astonishes me that I have NO FEAR  about showing my artwork to others or even posting it on my blog.  It’s just me expressing what’s inside as led by my Counselor.  What happens after that is His deal. 

I have expressed a kind of hope in the previous paragraph .  When I say the word “hope,” I don’t mean as in “wishing for.”  I mean “having the joyful anticipation of good in every area of my life and leaning into it.”  With my creations, I have no problem having hope.  At present it is settled in my heart, mind, soul and spirit that I NEED to create, that what I create is an expression of who I am and that these creations have value because I am created in His image and valued by Him.  He has this huge refrigerator and loves to hang up my stuff on it.  I am creating for an audience of One, and I am ok with others viewing my stuff.  Good is already happening because of this new pursuit and focus.  I am on tiptoes with anticipation as I lean further into this new thing.

You can probably guess that I am not as full of hope in all other areas of my life.  It’s not that I mean to not be.  It’s that I don’t realize I am lacking hope until I’m in the midst of the messes of life and whining about them.  So, this year I want to lean into the messes while remembering that everything that could ever happen in my life, Jesus has a promise for.  None of this is new information; I have quoted and meant “for we know God works all things together for the good…” for years now.  This that is happening now is revelation. 

Out of hope will develop abiding faith that will in turn attract breakthrough. ( Now that’s a good word right there!)  I want to see the development happening in my distress as I anticipate the demonstration of what God has declared.  I want to see God’s mercy and kindness in the fact that He does not allow me to fail the tests He gives to me; He lets me take the test again and again and again and again and again until I pass.  May I learn to embrace the test so that I pass them sooner!

What is your word or what are you words for 2012?  What do they mean to you?

For more inspiring words, check out these links:
2012: A Year of Promise

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  1. Great words, Amy! I can really relate to the whole thing about not actually living in the hope that I profess. Thanks for sharing such insightful thoughts. I love your line about being on tiptoe and leaning into your new hope (or however you said it!) It's a great image. (That would be a fun one to sketch!)

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, Kate! Please, share the sketch if you do one. I love the way you think!


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