30 November 2011

Joyeux Noël! Ebullient Epiphany!




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any Joyeux Noël Ebullient Epiphan

* Joyeux Noël!  Ebullient Epiphany! *

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29 November 2011

Really? Reading Deprivation Week?

If you've followed The Artist's Way, then you know what I am talking about in the title.  And if you haven't, it's self-explanatory, really.  Below is some verse I felt inspired to write as a response.  It's not really poetry, so if you don't like poetry, you might like this.

Lying in the bean bag chair,
My soul is crying, "not fair!"
Grocery list, calendar,
Clogging up my flow of words.

Dull responsibility,
Dull responsibility,
Clogging up my flow of words.

Reading deprivation - what?
To this instruction - "cannot!"
But I will try, crazy week.
It is breakthrough that I seek.

Dull responsibility,
Dull responsibility,
It is breakthrough that I seek.

Finding rest while moving fast.
Making gold from seeing past.
Sounding like my perfect plan.
Forming gold from wood and sand.

Oh responsibility,
Sweet responsibility,
Forming gold from wood and sand.

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20 November 2011

Thanksgiving = Breakthrough

What's God's will for your life?  Be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks

in all circumstances.  This will unstick you and bring about breakthrough in your life.

"God is kinder and gooder than you think" (Bill Johnson). Because God is always good and is

the giver of good gifts, we thank Him for what we do not yet see, but which we know is coming

our way and for who He is.  Of course we also thank Him for the good things we do see, also. 

For what are you thankful this year?

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16 November 2011

Transforming Mom - Love and Honor

Living in synchronozation spirit to Spirit is more fun "than the law will allow."  Suddenly I am

hearing and responding to that inner nudge.  Yesterday the nudge was to speak specific,

intentional thankfulness to the deli clerk, which she said made her day.  Today the nudge

was to supply a quarter to the young man who bags groceries for which he was seeking his

pockets in vain. As my friend and I were discussing last night, when we follow a nudge

suddenly the spiritual atmosphere changes and positively impacts us and  the people

who are witnessing what just happened.  We ageed that some day we will be shown the

impact of the "ripples" from each seemingly small obedient action. 

Now that's what I call FUN!!!

What nudges have you taken action upon lately?  How did things around you


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14 November 2011


Ok, so I'm contemplating starting a different blog on a different blog site (I don't even know

if that's the right terminology).  I do like new things and have tweaked this blog to reflect

me at the present time.  But, I feel that inner nudge to step into new territory -- cross that

chicken line!   I also hear the caution to research and understand more about the other blog

host site.  And I have some ideas that I'd like to discover if they are do-able or not.  Stay

tuned, because I will be here until further notice.

What are you thoughts, advice and opinions about my quandry?

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08 November 2011

Even More Kindle Love

Overheard at a conference I attended a couple of weekends ago:

“I don’t think I could ever get used to using an e-reader.”

“Me, too.  I love holding books and being able to highlight them and write notes in them.”

I previously thought like that, too.  Now I am finding that I love my Kindle more and more as I learn to use more of its features.  My current fave features are bookmarking, highlighting, adding notes and the “My Clippings” folder. 

04 November 2011

True Vine

Handsome husband and youngest darling daughter planted a mixed batch of wildflower seeds in the late spring.  Promising shoots emerged punctually per the package instructions.  Prematurely, torrid temperatures turned up and replenishing rain receded. 

A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...