22 September 2011

Transforming Mom: Anticipation

Desperate - despairing; overwhelmed with urgency and anxiety, to the point of losing hope.

It exhausted me. It eventually drove me to a frantic quest for God. Quite honestly what I primarily wanted was

for Him to remove my pain; I did find relief and peace, but the pain didn't go away. So I continued my quest.

I'm still on that journey although the urgency, anxiety and hopelessness are infrequent companions. Along this path I have experienced freedom, growth, peace, love, joy, encouragement and more. I've been impelled out of my comfort zones and found treasures worth collecting.

How did this happen? I had to choose to find out what God's perspective was and to embrace that perspective as my own, so that I would than act out what I believed to be true. Seeking for His perspective has helped me to know what He is really like. Some of my favorite God truths are that God is good, that all God's ways are good, that God loves me with a love that always wins and never fails and that I am God's favorite daughter. When I look at my life circumstances through the lenses of such truth, my hope grows; I begin to anticipate more and more goodness from God in every area of my life. This anticipation of goodness changes how I think, act and speak.

I encourage you to begin to notice what you believe about God's perspective, and ask yourself: "is that true?" If not, ask: "what needs to be adjusted here?"


  1. I don't think hope is something we are given or we just find or are even born with. I believe we have to make our own hope. It is something we create.

    In my experience though, when we are low on hope, we can borrow it from a friend and visa versa. If that make sense.

    Right now I am trying to create hope that over-the-counter cold/flu medicine actually works. Meh.

  2. I think I'm tracking with you. The Biblical principle is calling things that are not as though they are, in my opinion. And the hope I'm talking about is not the cross-your-fingers kind of hope. I mean the anticipation and expectation of good things from God in every area of my life, as in it is going to happen. Make sense?


Please, send me your comments and questions, along with your e-mail address if you would like a private response.

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