24 January 2013


: of, relating to, or constituting a title
 Minding the Minutia

 No reason for the titular word of this post other than my daughter used it in a composition a couple of days ago, and I am caught with it.  I have not noticed that word before.

  The above book is for everyone and a timely read for me. I have learned that exercise profits me more than simply physically. This book details how it initiates amazing positive changes in my brain, which is another way I "get out from under it."  My practice of "making a decision and/or accomplishing a task, no matter how small, lifts the pressure - and then I act" is labelled as active coping.  It's fun to read about something you have learned to do and discover that it is a powerful tool.

 Whilst out running this bitter cold morning I was mulling over the truth that one thing that this Mom can and must do is love.  Whatever I do for someone else in love is like doing it for Jesus; what if I interact with my students/kids like each one is Jesus? Yes, c'mon!  I will need supernatural help with this one.  It is a now word with grace upon it.  May it ever be so.

 After reading an email from a dear Camp Tecumseh friend, grateful I am that God takes the small offering I give and multiplies it more than I could have imagined.  It messes me up to have a real time testimony sent to me by a living person about how an interaction we had landed and impacted him.  Forthrightly I must confess that I may have been conducting the group meeting of which he spoke with a very bad attitude and on auto-pilot, yet God uses whatever and whomever He chooses.  Whoa!  If I could, I would reinstate the tradition he mentioned with some Kingdom training and parameters in place.  Of course, I would want to invite every camper in and then speak to the gold inside each one.  It would be a very long night, but truly a delight to this Mama's heart. 

What are you doing and dreaming and thinking about lately?

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