18 July 2012

Costume Construction

 Our family is blessed to be a member of a King's Kids USA Go-Network team based out of Cedar Lake, Indiana.  The name of our team is 1Voice, as pictured in our logo above.  God has led us on many adventures where we have ministered to others and been ministered to by others during the past few years.  Some of our fun is recorded on the blog, and if you are a Facebook friend, you may have seen my postings about 1Voice.
 Yesterday I had a glorious "at-home" day and set to work on some costumes for a drama with which our team will soon minister.   The piece I completed yesterday is a tear-away vest.  It looked simple and easy.  It was neither.  The fabric is durable, but unwieldy.  I had to pin much more frequently than I generally do in order to convince the fabric to behave.  Seaming a 1/4" doubled over seam around all of the raw edges took much time:

I also learned to construct flat-felled seams, featured at the shoulders of the vest; I assume this helps the vest remain sewn together when it is torn off of the actor.

The final product looks like the one in the video, although it may need at least one more velcro connection at least to help it lay correctly when worn.

The back of the vest hides the cape that the actor playing Jesus takes upon himself -- nifty hidden addition that I did not catch when watching the training video.

Tomorrow I will tackle the less involved (yeah, right?) costume pieces. 

Despite the whining undercurrent, I did enjoy the sewing.  And I will enjoy it again tomorrow.  This is another opportunity to enjoy the process!

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  1. Looks great, Amy! I've done those kind of seams, and it's really more than twice as much work as just sewing the regular seam. I am impressed with the outcome of this project!

  2. Thanks, Kate! I am pleased as well.


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