15 May 2012

Summer break begins

Scattered unfinished projects surrounding me, I cannot deny the call to post…it is my first day of summer break!

Today’s start was earlier than I would have preferred due to a “taxi” call for drop off at work of one of my daughters.  Rather than come back home only to go out later for my weekly shopping trip, I planned to be up and ready to go after the drop off.  I’ve been there and back again, carried in and put away the “haul” with help from one son, tidied up the kitchen, cleaned out our coffee pot which is suddenly having unexplainable issues, washed and put a load of laundry out on the clothesline, started another load of laundry in the washer and completed some other miscellaneous housekeeping.

I also managed to glance at my inbox long enough to sort out some unwanted email and to read a couple of blog posts.  Claire, at The Cottage Revolution, shared about her kitchen staples and asked for feedback (tee-hee) from her readers.  The truth is:  I have been changing the way I eat lately, also.  It’s an ever morphing project, as I learn more about how food is really medicine and how my body responds to different foods.  So far I have not discovered that I am allergic or sensitive to any foods, although I have plans for a saliva test in the near future, which may reveal something else to be the case.  I am eating more vegetables and fruits, less grains, enough meat and trying to reduce the amount of chemicals, bad fats and sweets that I intake.  Diet sodas?  Gone!  Green and black teas?  Yes!  

 Currently we generally keep on hand rolled oats, wheat berries, Kashi cereals, fresh and frozen veggies and fruits, pastas and pasta sauce, cheese, low-fat regular and low-fat Greek yogurts, butter, olive oil, canola oil, peanut butter, almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, dried fruits, beans, eggs, meats, tuna and other assorted miscellaneous “unhealthy” items like all-purpose flour, sugar, brown sugar, confectioners’ sugar, honey, jams, jellies, chips, pretzels, crackers.  My family is not necessarily pleased with the changes in our diet, so I am slowly phasing out or decreasing some of their/my favorite comfort foods. 

All of that being written, we celebrated one of our son’s 16th birthdays yesterday.  His breakfast in bed selection included homemade cinnamon rolls.  For his dessert, he like his brother chose a double-decker chocolate chip cookie cake (for recipe and pictures click here, then scroll down the page).  Since it was also the last day of school, I am pleased that those special foods did double duty for celebrating both the birthday and the ending of school. 

Balance in all aspects of my life continues to be a challenge for me, but I am learning and improving.  My personality, black and white as it is, demands that I make harsh and strict changes whenever that need arises.  It seems in most cases that I am learning by divine training to seek first wisdom and then more understanding before making incremental and gentle changes. 

What are you celebrating today?  What challenge are you facing? 

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  1. Love this, Amy! Thanks for posting your staples.

    Have a great summer break with the family. And good luck slowly changing some of your family's meal expectations. Comfort food is hard to let go :)

  2. And thank-you, Claire, for the comment and encouragement. Love your blog, too! We are looking forward to a GREAT summer. I hope yours is FABULOUS as well!


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