20 May 2015

And From the Archives

Can you guess what this is?

 Ever have one of those days where more than what is possible lands in that day?

 Whilst prepping supper for the masses tonight (it's date night, and I won't be here), I landed in the "way back machine" remembering the days when I scheduled daily time in the kitchen early in the morning for supper prep so that I could be freed up enough to nurse the baby and still have supper ready "on time."  There's a minefield of reasons why this was kinda a problem, but the benefit was that I did manage a fairly consistent supper time every day. That one goal was accomplished.  I am celebrating the personal growth and change that has happened since those days.  And I look forward to more in the days ahead.

  Why am I still the one making supper every night, you may ask?  Changing old eating habits to healthier ones requires certain food prep practices that I am still working on myself.  I do have help many nights with parts of the meals plus much of the prep is fairly easy because protein and slow carbs are the featured components.  Along with those things, I also very much enjoy cooking, usually, so it's another life-giving part of my day.

  What personal growth and/or change can you celebrate today?  I'd love to hear from you.

  BTW, it's a low carb egg casserole, THM S friendly and DELICIOUS!

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