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I have moved to amylynndemoss.wordpress.com, formerly Eclectic Randoms
30 May 2015
Theme Song not Thursday
Let's just say that our undependable internet service and my ever-changing responsibilities prevented me from posting on Thursday, ok? No matter - enjoy!
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27 May 2015
Tip to Trim Healthy Mamas
After a year of eating the THM E pancakes (p. 223), I admit that they have started to taste better than at first. I am thankful that such can actually occur, because for this pancake LOVER, they were disappointing the first time I ate them. . . and the second, and the third, and for quite some time after that.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to substitute some oat fiber for a tiny part of the oats to try to "dry" them out a bit. One of the things I like least about these jewels are they moistness, (and yes, I have always plopped them from the griddle onto a paper towel). For my tastes the oat fiber additon greatly improves these pancakes. They still are not whole wheat flour pancakes, but they are a delectable healthy substitute. One other addition I recommend is some cinnamon, though that is optional.
What tweeks do you recommend for the THM E pancakes?
What other pancake recipe do you enjoy?
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A couple of weeks ago I decided to substitute some oat fiber for a tiny part of the oats to try to "dry" them out a bit. One of the things I like least about these jewels are they moistness, (and yes, I have always plopped them from the griddle onto a paper towel). For my tastes the oat fiber additon greatly improves these pancakes. They still are not whole wheat flour pancakes, but they are a delectable healthy substitute. One other addition I recommend is some cinnamon, though that is optional.
What tweeks do you recommend for the THM E pancakes?
What other pancake recipe do you enjoy?
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25 May 2015
God Does Whatever He Chooses
Acts 10:44-48 NASB
"While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening to the message. All the circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. For they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God. Then Peter answered, 'Surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we did, can he?' And he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay on for a few days."
I LOVE this; according to this passage, Peter did not do an "altar call" or have them repeat the "sinner's prayer." It does not say that these folks confessed their sins or repented before Holy Spirit filled them. Holy Spirit showed up, Peter recognized that these Gentiles had been given the gift of Holy Spirit, which is the evidence of belief in and acceptance of Jesus as Savior & Lord, and then had them baptized in water.
Following Jesus is not a formula or a road or a step-by-step process; it's a relationship from the very beginning. He meets us right where we are.
Now that is wonderfully like our loving, good Father.
What opportunities do I miss of sharing the Good News because I have a list in my head of what has to happen first? Open my eyes to see You moving so that I can follow You and do my part, Holy Spirit.
Who are the "Gentiles" of in my sphere of influence that you are sending me to love with Your love? Open my eyes to see them, LORD.
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21 May 2015
Theme Song Thursday
This is my prayer this week!
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20 May 2015
And From the Archives
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Can you guess what this is? |
Ever have one of those days where more than what is possible lands in that day?
Whilst prepping supper for the masses tonight (it's date night, and I won't be here), I landed in the "way back machine" remembering the days when I scheduled daily time in the kitchen early in the morning for supper prep so that I could be freed up enough to nurse the baby and still have supper ready "on time." There's a minefield of reasons why this was kinda a problem, but the benefit was that I did manage a fairly consistent supper time every day. That one goal was accomplished. I am celebrating the personal growth and change that has happened since those days. And I look forward to more in the days ahead.
Why am I still the one making supper every night, you may ask? Changing old eating habits to healthier ones requires certain food prep practices that I am still working on myself. I do have help many nights with parts of the meals plus much of the prep is fairly easy because protein and slow carbs are the featured components. Along with those things, I also very much enjoy cooking, usually, so it's another life-giving part of my day.
What personal growth and/or change can you celebrate today? I'd love to hear from you.
BTW, it's a low carb egg casserole, THM S friendly and DELICIOUS!
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19 May 2015
Did You Notice?
This is ONLY for my regular readers and followers. . .ok, the rest of you can read this, also. I was only teasing. Who am I to discourage anyone from reading my little ol' blog?
I chose a different blog template recently; did you notice? I'd love your thoughts and feedback in regard to it. I feel like I need change often, so my blog reflects that at times.
And today's random:
I was grocery shopping this morning, using my re-usable shopping bag horde. The cashier who was waiting on me does NOT like the re-usable shopping bags. I have been in her "line" before, and each time she comments offhandedly about how she does not like those bags. Honestly I try to avoid her line because I know it pains her to wait on someone like me. As far as that goes, I'd rather we both be enjoying the shopping experience as much as possible. As I could not avoid being in her line (read that as not enough lines open), there I was. She grudgingly greeted me, and I cheerily replied. She began listlessly loading my frozen and cold items in one of my freezer bags; "great!" I silently cheered. After she filled one of my "least of these" bags, I re-positioned my bag o' bags (whilst she was busy and NOT looking) with the other freezer bag on top and my best bags next; in her defense, the "least of these" was the next one in the pile. I said nothing except cheerful thank-you's as we both endured the process -- me with a smile and her with lips in a grim line. Then I heard her sadly mutter, "I don't pack these kinds of bags very well." My heart stirred with compassion for her -- silently I released blessings and peace over her. And I am thankful that I was privileged to be in her line this morning. She needed me and what I carry of the #Kingdom. I needed her to stir my compassion and to give away what Jesus gave me.
Someone once told me that I pick up on lots that is going on in a given situation, which seems to be true. What I have realized is that I often misinterpret after the observation. This morning I was reminded that even Paul did not always hear and discern correctly, (it's right there in The Book). I need Holy Spirit and His gifts soooooo much! Still a work in progress here:).
So, what do ya think about the new template?
What's your random from today?
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I chose a different blog template recently; did you notice? I'd love your thoughts and feedback in regard to it. I feel like I need change often, so my blog reflects that at times.
And today's random:
I was grocery shopping this morning, using my re-usable shopping bag horde. The cashier who was waiting on me does NOT like the re-usable shopping bags. I have been in her "line" before, and each time she comments offhandedly about how she does not like those bags. Honestly I try to avoid her line because I know it pains her to wait on someone like me. As far as that goes, I'd rather we both be enjoying the shopping experience as much as possible. As I could not avoid being in her line (read that as not enough lines open), there I was. She grudgingly greeted me, and I cheerily replied. She began listlessly loading my frozen and cold items in one of my freezer bags; "great!" I silently cheered. After she filled one of my "least of these" bags, I re-positioned my bag o' bags (whilst she was busy and NOT looking) with the other freezer bag on top and my best bags next; in her defense, the "least of these" was the next one in the pile. I said nothing except cheerful thank-you's as we both endured the process -- me with a smile and her with lips in a grim line. Then I heard her sadly mutter, "I don't pack these kinds of bags very well." My heart stirred with compassion for her -- silently I released blessings and peace over her. And I am thankful that I was privileged to be in her line this morning. She needed me and what I carry of the #Kingdom. I needed her to stir my compassion and to give away what Jesus gave me.
Someone once told me that I pick up on lots that is going on in a given situation, which seems to be true. What I have realized is that I often misinterpret after the observation. This morning I was reminded that even Paul did not always hear and discern correctly, (it's right there in The Book). I need Holy Spirit and His gifts soooooo much! Still a work in progress here:).
So, what do ya think about the new template?
What's your random from today?
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14 May 2015
Theme Song Thursday
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11 May 2015
Closure, Commencement and a Freebie
Students are finishing their school subjects and turning in books, notebooks, papers and textbooks.
I taxi persons to the local community college for a registration advising appointment and to the BMV for an ID card.
Another birthday and another graduation ahead.
Sorting, packing away and tidying are soon to follow.
Final prep for the Fall semester awaits -- only approximately 2% left undone.
Dressed in spring green, purples, pinks, white and yellow, nature beckons, suggesting a nice long visit.
These are some of my joys of this spring day.
What's blisses are you experiencing today?
Today's Freebie: If you have ever opened up Microsoft Word to find that your cursor has inexplicably grown rotund or skinny:
- Open your Control Panel's Ease of Access.
- Find "Make the Computer Easier to See" or something similar to that verbage.
- Scroll down to the part about the width of the cursor, which has a drop down numbered selection box and corresponding example box.
- Choose your preferred visually pleasing size, select Apply and viola! And don't wait for months to fix this; it's not worth it for such an easy-peasy adjustment!
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07 May 2015
Theme Song Thursday
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05 May 2015
Labels are extremely obnoxious, especially when applied to me.
By "label" I mean "a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive."
I felt my frustration bubbling while in conversation with the "customer service" rep. Because of my "tag," I was being given standard, dead answers. Needless to say, I left the conversation feeling powerless. Not a good feeling, AT ALL.
Upon review, after my frustration subsided, I realized that I, too, participate in this dishonoring practice. Labeling or tagging gives me permission to dismiss and to give up on. Is this a Kingdom practice or mindset?
Graham Cooke challenges us to seek possibilities in these situations. That's my dot today. I must discover Kingdom, power-ful possibilities!
What? So what? Now what? (Thank-you, MB, for sharing that gem with me.)
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03 May 2015
An Eclectic Random Thought
I feel that if I cannot understand a passage or verse of Scripture through the lens of love, then I do not understand that verse or passage as of yet. Interpreting Scripture without the revelation of Holy Spirit, who is Love, is not interpretation, but appeasement of our soulish desire to understand.
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