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I have moved to amylynndemoss.wordpress.com, formerly Eclectic Randoms
16 December 2016
Theme Song Thursday - belated
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08 December 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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01 December 2016
Theme Song Thursday - A Bonus
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24 November 2016
Thanksgiving Theme Song Thursday
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17 November 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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10 November 2016
Theme Song Thursday
Couldn't resist a Christmas Carol!!!
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03 November 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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27 October 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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20 October 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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06 October 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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29 September 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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23 September 2016
Theme Song Thursday Belated
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19 September 2016
Joy Journey
In my intentional pursuit of putting myself in the office if personhood, I am compiling a list of what brings me joy. [Thank-you Arthur Burk for your work on this.] During the perfect storm of life events of late, I have realized that baking brings me great joy, yet is dangerous to my SF controlled carb lifestyle.
Yes, I know about the recipes that align the baking with my lifestyle. And some of them work well for me.
Sadly, baking batches of SF low carb cookies does not bring me joy as the results are disappointing.
Do you feel me here?
For a couple of years now I have either disgruntledly avoided baking cookies OR have baked and consequently eaten cookies whilst feeling like a prisoner who has broken out of her cell, feeling the breath of the law hot on my neck.
Not much joy in either one of those.
The new idea I plan to try is to give myself permission to bake for predefined special occasions and to enjoy my joy while doing so. And enjoying the results of the baking in moderation is part of that new idea, also.
Not surprisingly my pursuit of perfection is a huge stumbling block on my journey. I am way past ready to embrace a messier, less groomed and coiffed path.
Yep, I have been writing specifically about baking today, but this shift is one for all areas of my life.
What new paradigm are you embracing?
15 September 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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08 September 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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01 September 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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25 August 2016
Theme Song Thursday(still the same one:)
Yup, still soaking in this one.
Speaking of soaking, check out Katie Souza's teachings and soaks.
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18 August 2016
Theme Song Thursday
Yes, I know this is a repeat, but it's my theme song for this week, also. LOVE this so much, and He keeps ministering to me through it.
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11 August 2016
Theme Song Thursday - finally:)
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21 July 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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14 July 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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07 July 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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30 June 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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23 June 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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09 June 2016
Theme Song Thursday
"There won't be a day that You're not by side; there won't be a day that You let me fall. For all of my life Your love will be true; for all of my life I will worship You! Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me!"
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02 June 2016
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01 June 2016
Theme Song Thursday
This song played inside my spirit this morning during my time with Him. En-Joy!!!
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19 May 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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18 May 2016
Flipping Definitions
Whilst on a walk and talk with my Counselor, He said "bewildered." I was searching for a word to describe how I felt in a certain situation and that was exactly it!
Later I was processing via a Facebook Message with a friend (which I accidentally deleted - duh!), and He showed me "be wilder" inside the word.
After pondering and praying and listening, I have a new definition for "be-wilder," that is, I "flipped it," as Doug Addison says. "Flipping means taking a negative situation and flipping it into a positive Kingdom perspective. It is the ability to recognize negative things, turn them around, and interject God’s positive will and destiny for your life."
My definition is:
The blogger in me hopes that this will be a series -- time and my Counselor will tell.
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12 May 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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05 May 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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29 April 2016
Freebie Friday
28 April 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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21 April 2016
Theme Song Thursday
Singing this over me, our family, our friends, our neighborhood, our town, our county, our state, our country and the world!
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14 April 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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12 April 2016
Trim Healthy Mama Blast and Good Intentions
So far I have found answers to some of my recent questions, along with the Stubborn Losers Menus and some delicious recipes. The Chocolate Milk, and the Eggs and Hash recipes are repeaters, and the FP Peanut Butter Cookie Muffin will be. I enjoyed the muffin this morning, completely surprised at how delicious it was and how much I enjoyed the texture as well. I do so love it when I follow a recipe as written, taste it tentatively, and then blissfully inhale the end product. Thanks so much, Pearl and Serene!
While out running this morning, I was reminded that I should start thinking about blog posts for the week. I remember promising updates about some things, one of which I covered above.
I am still school planning, although I added in a major writing project to this month, which is requiring lots of my discretionary time. Alongside of that I have had some wonderful, amazing ministry opportunities open up to which I have said yes and run after. Nonetheless, albeit slowly, I have been working my way through a library book by Cathy Duffy and feeling inspired and motivated. That in itself is worth the investment of time reading the book and doing the exercises.
On the employment front, I have not heard back a second time about an interview, at least not as of yet. I am praying about following up somehow. HE knows how much I would love that job, as well as all of the other details that would be affected by me working part-time.
And that's the scoop as of today.
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07 April 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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31 March 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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30 March 2016
Checking in on My Poor Neglected Blog
I have missed you and longed to spend time with you. Dashing off "Theme Song Thursday" posts as a way to stay connected, though somewhat lame, has ministered to my heart and given me hope that indeed I will once again be regularly posting here. Thanks for your grace, patience and understanding.
24 March 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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17 March 2016
Theme Song Thursday Tech Week Edition
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10 March 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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03 March 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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25 February 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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18 February 2016
Theme Song Thursday - Twofer
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04 February 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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28 January 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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21 January 2016
Theme Song Thursday repeat
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14 January 2016
Theme Song Thursday
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07 January 2016
Theme Song Thursday - Happy 2016!
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A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes
Hi, friends. Thanks to all of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...
Thanks to Kate and to Melissa Dinwiddie for the inspiration to pray about and ponder out words for the year. Through a series of “seren...
Day 2 Innocently I began downloading an internet security program onto the two new laptops
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