Because something random sticks with me, I chase it down until I "win" or until I know it's the end of the hunt for me.
Feeling a nudge to print out up-to-the-moment report cards for my high schoolers, I began poking around in Excel for a solution.
Lacking time on hand, I resorted to copying and pasting into Word.
Thinking that was the end of that, I moved on to other projects.
Chugging away at the problem was my subconscious, which became apparent this a.m. when I pursued Excel grade book options, downloaded a couple, unprotected the sheets, learned the formula (ok, copied, pasted and changed the names to protect the innocent/match my worksheets) and built my own worksheet that looks like a report card and that pulls up-to-the moment information from my current grade book (which my husband set up for me years ago ).
Because my subconscious in partnership with my spirit did not give up on something I really wanted to learn, I feel very satisfied and feel like I accomplished something of value today.
What project/projects are you working on today/this week?
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