30 April 2013

Piqued my Geek

 Because something random sticks with me, I chase it down until I "win" or until I know it's the end of the hunt for me.

 Feeling a nudge to print out up-to-the-moment report cards for my high schoolers, I began poking around in Excel for a solution. 

 Lacking time on hand, I resorted to copying and pasting into Word.

 Thinking that was the end of that, I moved on to other projects.

 Chugging away at the problem was my subconscious, which became apparent this a.m. when I pursued Excel grade book options, downloaded a couple, unprotected the sheets, learned the formula (ok, copied, pasted and changed the names to protect the innocent/match my worksheets) and built my own worksheet that looks like a report card and that pulls up-to-the moment information from my current grade book (which my husband set up for me years ago ). 

 Because my subconscious in partnership with my spirit did not give up on something I really wanted to learn, I feel very satisfied and feel like I accomplished something of value today.

 What project/projects are you working on today/this week?

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12 April 2013


  Hooray for our high school senior, who completed her Pre-Calculus course today!  

  So what?  Earlier this year, I purposed to start re-learning Pre-Calculus once said senior had completed the course in preparation for my junior student, who will be taking it in the fall.  It seemed an exciting and adventurous prospect at that moment of decision.  I expect the grace for accomplishing this feat to be available when I do start.

  Anon, we leave for drama rehearsal.

  Whatcha doin', anon?

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10 April 2013

Step Over the Dogs of Doom and into Faith

 "In the book of First Timothy, Paul exhorts Timothy to minister in his spiritual gift beyond his comfort zone...If you do only what is comfortable for you, you will fail to grow."  ~ Kris Vallotton, p. 185, "Spiritual Java."

05 April 2013


 Smacked me right in the face, it did.

"Stretch," she said.  "I will be calling you this week."

 REALLY?!  She had unknowingly hit upon TWO of my "hot spots."  I could not explain succinctly nor privately.

  Echoing in my brain were words cheering me on to meet the challenge she had thrown down.

  So... I must confess that I am definitely the least equipped for this job of home schooling.  And I must confess that I have always felt like a home school "poser."  It occurred to me that I am "Everyday Mom."  Hence the Header Title change.

  I tried to explain about the poser thing to my husband, but he doesn't get it.  I know many incredible home school moms who are NOT posers, but the real deal.  It is unwise to compare myself to others, yet, the truth is I am a poser, a figurehead.

  I cannot and will not take any credit for the success my students have had and are having.  God's grace has multiplied the tiny mustard seed I have sown by simply choosing to obey.  I have learned some practical things along the way that help me to function, thanks to Him providing the learning opportunities.  I have "put my head down" and moved forward day after day, thanks to His still small voice encouraging me onward.  The rest is all Him!

  And the other "hot button?"  Some things are better left forever unspoken.

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04 April 2013

She reported that she had responded, "you can never say those words again."

Much later those words echoed in my being, as he was speaking about God's greatest trust gift.

Guiltily I silently resolved to end my verbal and written wrestling.  It would not do.

Davidically I will only pour out my silent complaint to God.   

And, also...change my heart, O God.  Make it ever true.  Change my heart, O God.  May I be like You.

Sunshine is bursting upon me spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Spring is full of promise.

Hope seeds are transforming into shoots, busting through the slightly parched heart sod and exploding into vibrant color.

Somehow, some way things will work together for good.

Peace river attends my soul.

A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...