10 November 2012

"Oh, that's bad...Oh that's good..."

from http://magnoliamanorexpress.weebly.com/uploads/9/4/1/6/9416710/hee_haw_script.pdf

Archie Campbell: I guess you heard about my terrible misfortune.
Grandpa Jones: Oh?
Archie Campbell: Yeah, my great-uncle died.
Grandpa Jones: Oh, that's bad.
Archie Campbell: No, that's good.
Grandpa Jones: How come?
Archie Campbell: Well, when he died, he left me fifty thousand dollars.
Grandpa Jones: Oh, that's good...

 Today feels like one of those days described above...except I have not had a terrible misfortune, thankfully.  When hubby and I verbally exchanged our "to do" lists this early morning on our run, my intention for the bulk of the day was to write as much as possible.  I understood that before I could attempt to write, other items on my list would need to be completed.  Things were progressing well and pleasantly, and by the time I was down to the last task before writing, the day was only a couple of hours beyond the halfway marker.  Ideas had already begun to form and were bubbling comfortingly as I meandered from the laundry room to the kitchen to start making bread dough.  (Now you say, "oh, that's good!")

Much to my amazement, I spied my husband staring expectantly at me as I rambled through the living room, while holding toward me the ASUS Transformer TF300 tablet which I had ordered on Thursday; it is a gift from my dear hubby, though I was required to order it myself.  

 (You say again, "oh, that's good...)

No, that's bad because I was going to write for the majority of the day, plus I still needed to make bread dough.  (Now, you say, "Oh, that's bad...")

No, that's good because flexibility is something I need to improve upon, especially when it comes to expectations of myself.  I decided it was more important to check out my new toy, so I mentally re-scheduled  bread making and writing to tomorrow - no problem! (You say, "oh, that's good...)

No, that's bad because after unpacking the Transformer, I read in the mini-manual that I must charge the Transformer for at least 8 hours before using.  (You: "Oh, that's bad...)

No, that's good because I did indeed make bread dough and am writing. Unfortunately I had planned a more comprehensive article than this one will in fact turn out to be.  Despite my peevish stomach and the warm temperatures today, I must follow through with the meal prep of the meal planned for today -- chili. Time is quickly slipping away.

Peevish stomach?  Yes, this week has been a wild week of digestive upset and sinus infection together.   The upside of feeling sick is how much more thankful I am for my good health after I am better.  (You: "Oh, that's good...)

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