21 February 2012


an examination to see if something is in order.

Hope, abiding faith and breakthrough remain themes for me.  My chosen tools for reminding myself who I am and declaring it daily are affording change.  This morning, for example, I was wallowing in the slough of despond.  Appalled by my apparent comfort in being in the slough, I battled with my pen and paper to purge the poison from my person.  When it felt like I was heading toward the poured out poison like the proverbial dog to his vomit, I halted.  Opening my eyes I noticed the time -- bummer for me!  I had to go prepare the blueberry muffins for breakfast.  Pitying myself, I "so there"-ed! by promising myself that I was going to sit and pour out my complaint when I returned to my lazy girl chair.  I allowed angry tears to well up while mixing up muffins.

Later as I poured out my complaint, I felt hope gently tugging me out of the mire.  Abetted by this new beginning of breakthrough strength, I wielded my next tool.  Abiding faith pushed me completely out of the slough.  At breakfast I was clear-minded and fully present.  A wonderful victory in a wrestling match with dread about tomorrow burst upon my thoughts!  As I type I am still amazed and fascinated with this breakthrough.  Since it's completion I have felt happy, excited and anticipatory about today.

"God I look to you.  I won't be overwhelmed.  Give me vision to see things like you do.  God I look to you.  You're where my help comes from.  Give me wisdom.  You know just what to do!"  Brian & Jenn Johnson, "God I Look to You"

PS My sister-in-law loved the plush neck gaitor I knitted for her; I think my niece might like one, also.  

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