: saved, healed, delivered.
my morning pages have served as a connection between me and my spiritual counselor . Repeatedly in the past month and a
half, we have worked through lies and wounds from the past. I am grateful to be gaining ground and
freedom. Sometimes I think I understand
the connection from the past through my present and into my destiny. Usually though I simply press on in faith
with hope and with trust in my spiritual counselor. This is another piece of the marvelous
multi-faceted relationship I am blessed to have with God.
I am not about to revisit my morning pages and retell any of those intimate conversations
with my spiritual counselor. If it’s
junk that you need to know, I will be sure to be in touch. I do wrestle with lies and
wounds from the past and present like everyone else I know. One of the MOST transforming and freeing things I have learned/am learning is to take those lies and wounds to God.
I’ve been through an official Sozo* session and have experienced much
breakthrough and consequent transformation. As God nudges me, I have sessions with Him that bring about similar results. It is for freedom that Christ
has set me free, and you, too!
Step into freedom today; carry everything to God in prayer!
"What a
Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."
"What a Friend We have in Jesus"
name used for this type of spiritual discipline is “healing prayer.”)
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