31 December 2015

Theme Song Thursday - Final 2015

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30 December 2015

God Showing Off

     Because He is always with me and always at work, for me it isn't really an issue of God showing up or not.  He always shows up for me (He is in me and promises to never leave nor forsake me).  The challenge is to have eyes to see Him at work and ears to hear what He is saying as He is working.  And so I cry "show off, God, for Your Name and Renown that everyone will see Your glory and will know Your lovingkindness."  Graham Cooke suggests asking a question that is something like: "who are you for me right now, God?"  I understand that to mean "what part of who You are is it that You are putting on display and revealing to me right now in this situation?" 

24 December 2015

Merry Christmas Eve Theme Song Thursday

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17 December 2015

16 December 2015

The Super Lord Reigns

Isa. 50:4-5a
"The Sovereign LORD has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will. The Sovereign LORD has spoken to me, and I have listened."

Grabbed by these verses today, I began to imagine and to ponder. . .then did some hurried research about the word "Sovereign," after noticing the word "reign" inside the larger word.  Have I seen that before?  I do not remember, but it captivated me.

10 December 2015

Theme Song Thursday

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03 December 2015

Theme Song Thursday

Not sure why, but this is one of my favorite Christmas carols, and I LOVE Johnny Cash singing it.  (Sorry Mom)

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A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...