23 July 2014

Wacky Wednesday

When "wacky" means something that feels comfortable and normal, then today is that day.  For the first time in many weeks, I sat and ate breakfast in a relaxed state.  I let my mind wander over the day and linger on ideas of how to get the most out of the day.  Next I remembered the days of yore when I had complained to God about. . .well. . .how routine my life was.  He did hear and respond to my prayer, and this summer has been anything but routine.  More than a few times this summer I have pined for some of those "routine" days, strung together in a glorious necklace of comfort. 

I also remembered the prayers requesting that I learn to keep company with Him throughout my day, for Holy Spirit to teach me this.  The instruction continues, but I can look behind and see the learning.  And I am thankful and am forever changed. 

What's wacky about your Wednesday?

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