The scoop is that I decided to join the members site at; I chose the three month membership, because I want to see if I will visit there enough and utilize the resources there enough for me to feel like I have spent that money wisely. As of this day, about 12 days in, I can say it has been well worth the money.
So far I have found answers to some of my recent questions, along with the Stubborn Losers Menus and some delicious recipes. The Chocolate Milk, and the Eggs and Hash recipes are repeaters, and the FP Peanut Butter Cookie Muffin will be. I enjoyed the muffin this morning, completely surprised at how delicious it was and how much I enjoyed the texture as well. I do so love it when I follow a recipe as written, taste it tentatively, and then blissfully inhale the end product. Thanks so much, Pearl and Serene!
While out running this morning, I was reminded that I should start thinking about blog posts for the week. I remember promising updates about some things, one of which I covered above.
I am still school planning, although I added in a major writing project to this month, which is requiring lots of my discretionary time. Alongside of that I have had some wonderful, amazing ministry opportunities open up to which I have said yes and run after. Nonetheless, albeit slowly, I have been working my way through a library book by
Cathy Duffy and feeling inspired and motivated. That in itself is worth the investment of time reading the book and doing the exercises.
On the employment front, I have not heard back a second time about an interview, at least not as of yet. I am praying about following up somehow. HE knows how much I would love that job, as well as all of the other details that would be affected by me working part-time.
And that's the scoop as of today.
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