13 July 2015


June and July have been fabulously full of fun, learning opportunities.

After our adventure with Revive Northwest Indiana, my intention was to summarize that "summer school course."

You regular readers know that I have not chronicled our time in Lake County.  As I dreaded might happen, the passing time since then has gathered many of my memories and stolen them away.

I absolutely LOVED going out into the community to pray with people.  I absolutely LOVED listening to Holy Spirit's leading as to where to go and who to talk with.  I absolutely LOVED being part of a team of people whom I had never met before and who, by the end of our morning or afternoon outing were like family to me.  I absolutely LOVED the worship, the fellowship over meals, the prayer, the testimonies and the genuineness of Time to Revive's team.

So what lasting impact did it make upon me?  I feel like I am much more bold to talk to people than ever before.  I love the fact that I can now easily present the Gospel to someone using the tools (wristband and Bible), if that's where the person is on their journey to God. I was blessed and encouraged to see and to hear Holy Spirit respected, consulted, listened to and taught upon. Practicing hearing God's voice and then walking in faith according to what was heard is always a bonus as well.  

Love. Listen. Discern. Respond.  Four great steps for all of our interpersonal relationships!

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