23 March 2018


I have been neglecting my blog - even the Theme Song Thursday posts are left behind; and they were my "consolation."

While taking a walk in the brisk Indiana "spring" air this pre-dawn morning, I was pondering about things He is showing and teaching me. Certainly He is showing me how He answers my prayers, something of which it seems I need continual reminding.

Additionally He has been teaching me about being vulnerable, about showing up authentically, about the journey being the point. And courage has been a theme throughout. I am thankful that He is showing me the ways I have been vulnerable, shown up as me and been courageous in the process. Being of the ilk to be harder on myself than I am on others, I need to see myself through His eyes.

And then there are the people around me who are also being courageous. Being courageous has many possible outward appearances. Without hearing someone's heart, I cannot begin to judge whether or not that person is being courageous, and it really isn't my place to judge. But I can observe and notice when they are being courageous. The women I spent Tech Week with were all walking courageously.

I am uncertain if they realize it about themselves or about each other, but I saw it. As I had opportunity to connect with them and hear a piece of each one's heart, I began to see them a bit more clearly through the lens of God's mercy. The gold in each one shined through. As a leader, I struggle sometimes because I want to defend my team members, but often the information I have that would be used for the defense is not mine to speak.

Praying together and for the other person, asking how I can help and loving each one is the best I know to do in those situations. Because I see each one as courageous, I want each one to see the other one as courageous. The Cy activity of writing down the facts, then editing for just the facts seems like beneficial for processing. And then ask, "how can I help?"


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