26 February 2015

Theme Song Thursday

 About a month ago, I posted this along with another theme song.  It deserves it's own post.  The loving, unrelenting, faithful, kind, merciful and all-things good heart of Papa is beyond comprehension.  Press in with me.

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19 February 2015

Theme Song Thursday

 Ash Wednesday, yesterday, marked the beginning of Lent 2015.  The first three days of this week have been incredibly life-sucking, emotionally painful and downright maddening.  Whilst having a conversation with one of our dyp, (dear young people), I heard myself ask, "why would you keep doing the same thing over and over when the answers have all been wrong?"

 Insightful question for me, also.  I believe that's the very definition of insanity and something at which I scoff loudly in some others, (particularly the "religious").  Ok -- busted.

 I have talked with Papa about it and feel like I see the first few dots on the new path.  With His help, I will choose differently.

 May your Lenten Season be one of delight in Him and finding new paths down which to chase Him!

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12 February 2015

Theme Song Thursday

Who is like You God?  Your mercy's like the sun -- always rising over us!

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06 February 2015

Theme Song Thursday

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04 February 2015


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Being thankful and focusing on my life from a Kingdom perspective.

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A New Season Ahead = Necessary Changes

Hi, friends. Thanks to all  of you who have ever visited this blog and/or followed it. I appreciate it very much! Finding myself on the ...